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Podder Insights requires you to add a prefix to your show's RSS Feed. This will allow us to collect data about your show



Add your show

Claim your show with Podder to see your data & insights dashboard. Click the button down below and follow the steps.

+ Add Show

Add Your Unique Prefix

  • Go to & login.
  • Head over to your show's "Program settings" page.
  • Click the "Content tab".
  • Paste the Podder prefix URL in the Pefix URL field and save your changes.

Your Unique ID:

Please note:
If you are using more than 1 prefix URL at the same time you will have to separate them with a forward slash, and remove the https:// of subsequent URL's after the first prefix.

Example: /track/12597G/


Prefix Status

It might take up to 24h for the hosting provider to update your feed.

We'll monitor your feed and send you an email in 24h with the updated status of the installation. In the mean time, you can continue to login and explore Podder.

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