The Ultimate Podcast SEO Guide. Tips & Tricks 101

In recent years, podcasts have exploded in popularity, with millions of people around the world tuning in to listen to their favorite shows. This surge in interest has led many businesses to realize the potential of podcasts as a powerful tool for SEO and brand awareness. Google's decision to surface podcasts in search results and make them playable has further cemented their importance in a comprehensive SEO strategy.

To leverage the power of podcasts effectively, it's crucial to understand how to optimize them for search, create engaging content, and promote your show to attract a loyal audience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the various aspects of podcast optimization and provide actionable tips for creating a successful podcast that boosts your SEO efforts and brand recognition.

1. Podcast Description

A podcast description plays a crucial role in attracting new listeners and retaining the existing audience. Your podcast description should provide a clear idea of the show's content, tone, and format. When crafting the description, focus on incorporating relevant keywords that listeners are likely to use when searching for podcasts in your niche. This will help improve your podcast's discoverability in search results and podcast directories.

To create a compelling podcast description, start by identifying your target audience and their interests. This will help you craft a description that speaks to their needs and preferences. Be sure to mention the unique selling points of your podcast, such as the expertise of the hosts, the show's format, and any special features or segments. Also, highlight the benefits of listening to your podcast, such as the insights, knowledge, or entertainment value it offers.

A well-written podcast description should be concise, engaging, and informative, but it should also leave some room for curiosity. This will encourage potential listeners to click on your podcast and give it a listen. Regularly update your podcast description to keep it fresh and relevant, especially if your show's focus or format changes over time.

Action Items:

  • Research popular keywords related to your podcast niche and incorporate them naturally into your description.
  • Craft a clear, concise, and engaging description that highlights the unique selling points and benefits of your podcast.
  • Regularly review and update your podcast description to ensure it stays relevant and accurately reflects your show's content.
  • Always use those three elements: The podcast host's name, topics covered on the show and any abbreviations of the show's name.
  • Stick to a hundred characters or less.
  • Link your socials.
The Receipts Podcast

2. Summarize Each Podcast Episode

Summarizing each podcast episode is vital for improving its discoverability and accessibility. A well-written summary should provide an overview of the episode's content, including the main topics discussed, key points covered, guest information, and any noteworthy anecdotes or details. This will make it easier for listeners to decide whether the episode is relevant to their interests and worth their time.

When writing episode summaries, be sure to use clear and concise language that accurately represents the content. Include relevant keywords and phrases that listeners might use when searching for content related to your podcast's topics. This will help improve your podcast's search engine optimization (SEO) and increase its visibility in search results.

In addition to the episode summary, you can also provide additional resources and links related to the episode's content, such as articles, websites, or videos. This can add value to your podcast and encourage listeners to engage further with the material.

Action Items:

  • After each episode, write a concise summary covering the main topics, key points, guests and any noteworthy anecdotes or details.
  • Include relevant keywords and phrases in the summary to improve search engine optimization (SEO) and visibility.
  • Provide additional resources and links related to the episode's content to encourage listener engagement and add value to your podcast.
  • Make the first 120 characters count.
  • Avoid filler words and spoilers.

"Topics are people's interests, and when people are interested in something, they will search for it. Think about writing your podcast episode descriptions after you've recorded your podcast, you never know where your conversation might go" - Poppy Newdick, senior product manager at Spotify.

Source: (

3. Podcast Cover Art

Having eye-catching and professional-looking cover art for your podcast is essential, as it plays a significant role in attracting potential listeners and creating a strong visual identity for your show. Podcast cover art is often the first thing users see when browsing for new shows, so it's important to make a good impression.

When designing your podcast cover art, consider the following elements:

  • Relevance: Your cover art should visually represent the theme or subject matter of your podcast. Use images, icons, or symbols that are relevant to your show's content and resonate with your target audience.
  • Typography: Choose clear and legible fonts for your podcast title and any other text included in your cover art. Make sure the text is easy to read, even at smaller sizes, as podcast cover art is often displayed as a thumbnail.
  • Color scheme: Select a color palette that complements your podcast's theme and appeals to your target audience. Use contrasting colors to ensure readability and make your cover art stand out.
  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent visual style across all episodes of your podcast. This will help establish a strong brand identity and make your podcast more recognizable in search results and podcast directories.

You can use a podcast cover art generator, like the one offered by Spotify, to create professional-looking artwork for your podcast. These tools typically offer customizable templates, allowing you to create high-quality cover art without needing advanced design skills.

Action Items:

  • Determine the visual elements that best represent your podcast's theme or subject matter, and create a relevant and eye-catching design.
  • Ensure your cover art's typography is clear and legible, even at smaller sizes.
  • Maintain a consistent visual style across all episodes of your podcast to establish a strong brand identity and make your podcast more recognizable in search results and directories.
  • 3,000 x 3,000 pixels square image featuring your podcast name and logo.

4. Evergreen and Trending Topics for Podcasts

Creating a successful podcast involves offering a mix of evergreen and trending topics to keep your content relevant, engaging, and informative. Evergreen topics are those that remain applicable over time, allowing listeners to access and benefit from the content long after it is published. On the other hand, trending topics tap into current events, capturing listeners' attention by addressing what is popular or newsworthy at the moment.

Evergreen content is essential for building a foundation for your podcast. These topics often address frequently asked questions or provide basic knowledge and insights into your subject matter. Examples of evergreen content might include how-to guides, lists of best practices, or foundational concepts in your niche. By regularly creating and publishing evergreen content, you'll continually attract new listeners who are just beginning to explore your topic and develop a loyal audience over time.

Incorporating trending topics into your podcast lineup will help you stay relevant and attract a wider audience. These topics often focus on current events, breaking news, or recent developments within your niche. 

Some ways to research trending topics include:

By staying informed and up-to-date with the latest news and trends, you'll be able to create engaging and relevant content that will resonate with your audience and help establish your podcast as an authoritative source in your field.

Action Items:

  • Set up alerts and follow relevant news sources to stay informed about trending topics in your niche. Utilize feed readers.
  • Use tools like Twitter, Google Trends, and Google News to identify and explore current trends.
  • Plan and schedule episodes around trending topics to keep your podcast current and engaging.
  • Make a list of evergreen topics relevant to your niche to serve as a foundation for your podcast.
  • Regularly update your content mix to maintain a balance between evergreen and trending topics.

5. Be Creative with Podcast Topics

When choosing podcast topics, it's crucial to think outside the box and explore creative angles that will capture your audience's attention. Storytelling is an effective way to engage listeners and make seemingly mundane topics more interesting. By sharing stories related to your industry, you can humanize your content and provide a unique perspective that sets your podcast apart from others in your niche.

For instance, if your podcast is about personal injury law or plumbing, you can explore stories about how your trade has impacted people's lives or share fascinating case studies. This approach not only provides valuable information but also helps showcase your expertise and passion for the subject. Remember, the goal is to engage your audience and establish a connection with them.

Action Items:

  • Brainstorm stories related to your industry that can engage and entertain your audience.
  • Experiment with different storytelling techniques to find the best approach for your podcast.
  • Regularly review your podcast's content to ensure it remains interesting and unique within your niche.

6. Cater to Beginners

Producing content that caters to beginners is an effective strategy to attract and engage a wider audience. Many people look for introductory information when exploring a new topic, and offering beginner-friendly episodes can help them find your podcast.

Begin by identifying common questions and challenges that newcomers face in your niche. Then, create episodes that provide clear, comprehensive explanations and solutions. Make sure your content is easily digestible and free of jargon to ensure that beginners feel welcomed and included.

Incorporating interviews with experts who can offer guidance and advice for newcomers can also be beneficial. Sharing success stories or case studies of people who started from scratch can inspire and motivate your audience.

Action Items:

  • Identify common challenges and questions beginners have in your niche.
  • Create episodes that provide clear explanations and solutions, avoiding jargon.
  • Consider interviewing experts and sharing success stories to inspire beginners.

7. Segment Searches by TLD

Targeting specific top-level domains (TLDs) can help improve your podcast's website SEO by focusing on particular regions or industries. By segmenting your search engine optimization efforts based on TLDs, you can better tailor your content to the needs and preferences of different audiences.

For instance, if you have a significant listener base in a particular country, consider optimizing your podcast for that country's TLD (e.g., for the United Kingdom). This can improve your visibility on local search engines and increase the likelihood of reaching your target audience.

Additionally, if your podcast caters to a specific industry, you can target industry-specific TLDs (e.g., .tech for technology-related content) to improve your search engine rankings within that sector.

Action Items:

  • Analyze your podcast's audience to identify key regions and industries.
  • Optimize your podcast for specific TLDs to improve visibility in target markets.
  • Monitor the impact of TLD-focused SEO on your podcast's website reach and engagement.
Source: (

8. Explore YouTube

Expanding your podcast presence to YouTube can significantly increase your visibility and reach. By repurposing your podcast episodes as video content, you can tap into YouTube's massive user base and improve your SEO through the platform's search algorithms.

Start by creating a YouTube channel for your podcast and uploading your episodes as videos. You can use static images, slide shows, or even video footage of your podcast recording sessions to accompany the audio. Make sure to optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility.

Promote your YouTube channel on your podcast website, social media profiles, and email newsletters to encourage your existing audience to subscribe. Engaging with your YouTube audience through comments and by encouraging them to share your content can also boost your podcast's visibility and SEO.

Action Items:

  • Create a YouTube channel for your podcast and upload episodes as videos.
  • Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords.
  • Promote your YouTube channel across your online platforms and engage with your audience.

9. Prioritize Interesting Topics Over Keyword Inventory

While focusing on keywords can improve your podcast's SEO, it's essential not to lose sight of the importance of creating engaging and interesting content for your audience. Prioritizing topics that genuinely interest your listeners will help you maintain and grow your audience over time.

To find a balance between SEO and compelling content, start by brainstorming a list of topics that are relevant to your niche and resonate with your target audience. Then, research relevant keywords and phrases to incorporate into your podcast titles, descriptions, and show notes without compromising the quality and appeal of your content.

Don't be afraid to explore unconventional or controversial topics that spark curiosity and stimulate conversations. Incorporating trending news, current events, or hot debates in your industry can also help increase engagement and encourage social sharing.

Remember, your ultimate goal is to provide value and entertainment to your listeners, and by prioritizing interesting topics, you can achieve this while still optimizing your podcast for search engines.

Action Items:

  • Brainstorm a list of engaging topics that resonate with your target audience.
  • Research relevant keywords to incorporate without compromising content quality.
  • Explore unconventional, controversial, or trending topics to spark curiosity and conversation.

10. Interview Popular and Important People

Expanding a podcast's audience can be significantly boosted by interviewing popular and important people in the industry or niche. This not only generates interest in your podcast but also provides valuable insights and perspectives that your listeners will appreciate.

When selecting guests for your podcast, consider reaching out to industry experts, thought leaders, and influencers who have a strong following. These individuals can provide credibility to your podcast, and their followers are likely to tune in to listen to their insights.

In addition to industry-specific guests, consider inviting people who have a connection to your topic but might not be directly related to your niche. For example, a celebrity who shares a passion for your subject matter can be an interesting guest, offering a different perspective and attracting a broader audience.

When conducting interviews, ensure you ask engaging questions and encourage open discussion. This will keep the conversation interesting and provide valuable content for your listeners. Remember to promote the interview on your social media channels and ask your guests to do the same to maximize the episode's reach.

Action Items:

  • Compile a list of potential guests to interview, including industry experts, influencers, and celebrities.
  • Develop engaging questions and discussion topics to ensure a captivating conversation.
  • Promote the interview on social media and ask your guests to share the episode with their followers.
Source: (

11. Transcribe the Podcasts

Transcribing your podcast episodes is essential for reaching a wider audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. Providing a text version of your podcast episodes also improves accessibility for those who prefer reading content or have difficulty understanding spoken language.

Moreover, transcriptions help search engines understand and index your podcast content, contributing to improved SEO. Numerous transcription services and apps are available, such as Microsoft 365, Google Docs, Rev, and Temi, to convert your audio files into text.

When creating transcriptions, ensure they are accurate and well-formatted to provide a positive user experience. Including timestamps for different segments or topics discussed in the episode can make the transcription more user-friendly and easier to navigate.

Action Items:

  • Choose a transcription service or app to convert your podcast episodes into text.
  • Review and edit transcriptions for accuracy and formatting.
  • Include timestamps to improve navigation and user experience.

12. Create Podcast Chapters

Adding chapters to your podcast episodes enhances the listening experience by allowing users to navigate easily through different sections of the show. This feature is particularly beneficial for longer episodes, as listeners can quickly jump to the parts they find most interesting.

Most podcast hosting platforms and apps support chapter markers, making it simple to incorporate them into your episodes. When creating chapters, use clear and descriptive titles to indicate the content of each segment. This will help listeners decide which parts of the episode they want to listen to and improve their overall experience.

By improving the user experience, podcast chapters can indirectly impact your podcast's SEO. Satisfied listeners are more likely to share your content and recommend your show to others, resulting in increased traffic and potential backlinks.

Action Items:

  • Research podcast hosting platforms and apps that support chapter markers.
  • Add clear and descriptive titles to each chapter for easy navigation.
  • Monitor listener feedback and engagement to ensure chapter markers are improving the user experience.

13. Launch a Podcast Website

Creating a dedicated podcast website offers several advantages for increasing your podcast's visibility on search engines. By having a central hub where you can connect with new listeners, share teasers, and even run a storefront, you increase your chances of being discovered by potential listeners. A podcast website provides additional content for web crawlers to index, which helps boost your search engine rankings.

In addition to SEO benefits, a podcast website can also serve as a platform for engaging with your audience through email marketing and newsletter subscriptions. You can use these tools to keep your listeners informed about new episodes, behind-the-scenes content, and any upcoming events or promotions. By maintaining a strong online presence, you'll foster a sense of community among your listeners and encourage them to share your podcast with others.

Action Items:

  • Set up a dedicated podcast website to improve search engine visibility.
  • Utilize email marketing and newsletter subscriptions to engage with your audience.
  • Keep your website updated with fresh content, such as teasers and behind-the-scenes material.
Source: (

In Summary

Optimize your podcast for search engines by implementing key strategies, such as writing captivating descriptions, summarizing episodes, designing eye-catching cover art, and selecting interesting topics. Leverage Twitter, Google Trends, and YouTube for topic ideas and promote your podcast through a dedicated website. By optimizing your podcast for search, you'll increase your podcast's visibility and grow your audience.

Remember, the key to a successful podcast is creating content that is both interesting and informative. Focus on providing value to your listeners, and don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and formats to keep your podcast fresh and engaging.

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Dimitar Petkov
May 5, 2023